Dr. Seuss Meets Dr. Dre, and a Star is Born
Wes Tank’s career as a performer and film producer took an unexpected turn, thanks to a Dr. Seuss book lying on the ground while he was getting ready for a rap show.
The book was “one Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish,” and Tank decided it would be fun to improvise a rap by putting the words to a Dr. Dre beat.
Tank, a 2006 UWM alumnus who has been rapping since he was 16, began incorporating the Dr. Seuss raps occasionally into his performances and the shows he did for children.
“I knew the crowd was enjoying it, so I decided to take it further,” Tank says. He put the performances on YouTube, using his comic and acting skills to make the words in the books bounce and hop to the beats.
Then the pandemic hit, and parents and children went online in droves looking for entertainment. Suddenly, the Dr. Seuss/Dr. Dre mashups had a million hist and counting. Tank’s work was being featured in Oprah and Variety magazines and on the front page of Reddit.
Wes Tank’s career as a performer and film producer took an unexpected turn, thanks to a Dr. Seuss book lying on the ground while he was getting ready for a rap show.